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What are BIORESONANCE and Rife Frequency Therapies?
Our biofeedback / bioresonance program uses a state-of-the-art Evoked Potential Biofeedback System for stress detection and stress reduction. During analysis, the Rife system is effectively connected using tens pads ("Sticky pads") or by sitting within a scalar or energy field. It then resonates with thousands of tissues, organs, nutrients, toxins and allergens for one-hundredth of a second each and records the degree to which your body reacts.
What does the Rife Scan Actually Do?
The Rife scans the client's body like a virus-scan on a computer, looking for everything from viruses, deficiencies, weaknesses, allergies, food sensitivities and abnormalities. It reports on the biological reactivity and resonance in your body and indicates needs, dysfunctions and vulnerabilities. The information provided is fundamentally different from that provided by X-rays, traditional blood tests, etc., because it tells us about the energetic state of your body and the direction in which your body is focusing its energy.
And After the Body is Scanned?
Once the Rife has measured vitamin levels, amino acids, nutrients, food substances, minerals, enzymes, natural sugars, toxins, hormone levels, muscle tone, disease, bacteria, moulds, fungi, viruses and the health and balance of internal organs, it then compares these figures against a "norm". Basically, the RIFE shows up anything that is affecting your health. Main test categories include:
Aura balancing
Blood Chemistry
Bone Assessment
Chakra balancing
Chromosome/DNA assessment
Comprehensive nutritional panel
Dental profile
EEG (brain waves)
EKG (heart)
Geopathic stress
So We Can Use this technology to Identify Problem Areas?
It's more than just an analysis tool. After measuring the body's frequencies, the system feeds back its own frequencies to redress or neutralize destructive wave patterns. In some cases it may add frequency, in others reverse it to either enhance or counteract the body's own resonances. The RIFE reveals not only the negative aspects of the body but also the positive aspects. However, in attempting to improve and revitalize health, we tend to focus more on the negative aspects, so that they can be redressed.
How Does It Revitalize the Body?
As the RIFE has been devised using the principles of Quantum Physics, that question is easier asked than answered. During therapy the device measures the body's resonance/reactance pattern and determines what benefit has occurred in the time period since the previous measurement (less than a second earlier). If there has not been an improvement, the input resonance is altered. It maintains each beneficial setting as long as it is helping, and changes it as required. These treatments may be done using contact pads ("sticky pads"), by sitting within a scalar field, or by being in proximity to a plasma energy field. Remote treatments are available for many protocols using a DNA sample.
Can We Use the RIFE on Children and animals?
The RIFE Scalar is ideally suited to children, as they are often unable to verbally communicate the site or degree of their discomfort or pain. It allows a session to be done without connecting wires or devices to the recipient. Parents of children suffering from behavioral problems have seen considerable improvements, as the RIFE unearthed contributing factors, such as food intolerance. The same benefits apply to use on pets and animals.
RIFE Examples of:
Muscle/Sports Injuries
Spinal Flow Adjustment
Meridian Therapy and Chakra Balancing
Electronic Reflexology
Color and Crystal Therapies
Skin, Beauty, and Anti-Aging Therapies
Weight Loss
Nutrition, and Vitamin Deficiencies
Hormone Levels
Viruses, Bacteria, Fungi and Parasites
Environmental Factors
Mental and Emotional States
Stress detection and stress reduction at same time
Immediate results
Detects organ stress before it becomes disease
Fully objective, eliminating operator bias
Great for children: no need to communicate their problem
Rife and SCIO are not available at this time. If you are interested in these technologies, please contact Tobias for assistance and further information.
Quantum Energy Medicine:
Subconscious Interface Operation
The quantum software and frequency generation systems such as the SCIO and Rife used here are not approved by the FDA or the Canadian Medical Association as medical devices. They are intended for use as experimental electronic devices only. They are not intended for the diagnosis, prevention, cure, treatment, or mitigation of any disease or illness in human beings. Neither are they designed or intended to affect the function or structure of any human body system. We make no medical claims whatsoever for the use and application of any of the frequency generation systems spoken about here. If you have a problem with your health, please consult a licensed healthcare professional.
In the US, you can legally use frequency systems such as those described here for testing, energy balancing, life extension, and relaxation. You can experiment using frequencies on bacterial cultures, laboratory animals, and yourself. You still have a legal right to self-medicate under the Ninth Amendment of the United States Constitution.
In Germany and South Africa, as well as some other nations, frequency devices are legally licensed as medical instruments. Please note that we are not responsible whatsoever for the use, abuse, or misuse, intentionally or unintentionally, of any of the frequency generation systems or any of their component parts due to any circumstances beyond our reasonable control. In any case, I, Tobias Beharrell, or any of my associates, shall have no other liability. By using these frequency generation systems, you, the user, understand and accept that you have no expectation of curing any ailment. You also understand that possible negative physical and/or mental effects, unknown to us, might result from the use of these frequency generation systems. Moreover, you intend to undertake only responsible experimentation, and you voluntarily accept all responsibility for the use and application of all frequencies generated by the systems described and used on this site. Furthermore, you agree that you will not hold us responsible for any consequences, whether harmful or otherwise, that may occur as a result of using the frequency generation systems used by us and/or described and discussed on this website or elsewhere.